05 Sep

Queenie the most beautiful cow was sitting in her library. She loved books. Today Queenie was looking for her Swan Lake book, it was one of her favourites. Queenie wanted to give it to Bella, she thought that Bella could take it with her tomorrow when she went to Butterfly Dance. At last Queenie found her tattered book, tattered because it was so well read, Queenie decided to visit Henry The Bunyip's home, she knocked on the door, there was loud music playing. Queenie knocked even harder, the door opened and there was Hannah, Hannah was dressed in a cute little ballet skirt and tutu, Bella and Hannah had been practicing their steps. Queenie thought that would be fun so she joined in too. Dancing and prancing around to the music. Henry had made some nice sticky buns They all enjoyed a cup of tea and a bun, Queenie gave her book to Bella. Bella was happy to take the book to Butterfly Dance and would show all the little butterflies. What a fun Sunday it was!

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